Lacecap Hydrangea

Hydrangea macophylla “Nachtigal”
Hydrangea macrophylla “Blue Wave”
Hydrangea macrophylla “Rotdrossel”

Lacecap Hydrangea
Hydrangea macrophylla
Type: Deciduous Shrub
Exposure: Sun / Part Shade
Water: Regular

There are different types of Hydrangea. One is macrophylla, or the “mophead” type – with large rounded pompoms of flowers (the black-stemmed hydrangea we saw a while back was one of those), and another is the lacecap type, which feature a row of bold male flowers, surrounding a delicate-looking cluster of female ones. Held more or less horizontally, these lacy-looking clusters seem to almost float amongst the foliage, and many varieties are available featuring shades of blue, white, pink, mauve and purple. Just a few of those are shown here.

The shrub itself can reach between 4-8ft (1.2-2.4m) high and wide (depending on variety), with handsome green leaves that are large, shiny and toothed. These leaves often put on an impressive show of color in autumn as well.

Most of these hydrangeas bloom on old wood, although there are some newer varieties that also bloom on new growth. Hydrangeas are especially at home in woodland or cottage gardens, and the blooms (the mophead types in particular) are popular as dried flowers.



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