Hardy Fuschia

Fuschia x hybrida “Voltaire”    

Hardy Fuschia
Fuschia x Hybrida “Voltaire”
Type: Deciduous Shrub
Exposure: Sun / Part Shade
Water: Regular

A “hardy” fuschia is one that can be planted in the ground and be expected to survive many consecutive winters, since some fuschias will be killed by colder temperatures. This one is said to be one of the hardier fuschias in our zone, USDA 8 or Sunset 5. Applying a good layer of mulch around its base in the fall is cheap insurance, though.

Voltaire will get to 4 ft (1.2m) high and wide, and provide long lasting blooms that can persist from May through summer, and well into fall. These blossoms are single with reddish-pink sepals, and a purple hood called a corolla, which hang like Christmas tree ornaments from branches clothed in glossy green leaves. Hummingbirds love them.

Fuschias do well in pots; in fact, gardeners living in colder areas or wishing to grow non-hardy fuschias can grow them in containers that can be moved into a garage, etc. during cold weather.



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