Digger’s Speedwell

Parahebe perfoliata

Digger’s Speedwell
Parahebe perfoliata
Type: Evergreen Perennial / Subshrub
Exposure: Full Sun / Light Shade
Water: Regular to Light

Primarily a foliage plant, today’s selection has semi-woody, arching stems with rounded, bluish-green leaves that are situated in opposing pairs along its length. Terminal flowers* appear in loose, nodding racemes in late spring or early summer. Each bloom is a clear blue, 4-petalled cup. Park this guy at the front of a border or at the edge of a low wall to best show off its interesting foliage and graceful sprawling habit. It makes a pleasing contrast plant for Angelina Stonecrop (Sedum rupestre “angelina,” See April 12th).

*”Terminal flowers” mean that the flowers are at the end of the stems, by the way. It doesn’t mean their demise is near.



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