
Sedum rupestre “Angelina” and “Blue Spruce”
Sedum rupestre “Angelina”

Angelina Stonecrop
Sedum rupestre “Angelina”
Type:Evergreen Succulent Groundcover
Exposure: Full Sun / Some Light Shade
Water: Regular / Drought Tolerant

This low growing sedum makes a good lawn substitute for a dry, sunny spot. It reaches only 6-8 in (15-20cm) high but will spread to 1-2 ft (30-60cm). Its brilliant spiky yellow foliage is tinged with red-brown tips when it’s young. Yellow flowers emerge in summer, but are unimpressive due to lack of contrast with the foliage. Speaking of contrast, it can be very effective combined with other stonecrops, such as “Blue Spruce” (see top photo). It’s a great choice for containers and hanging baskets.



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