Ghost Fern

Athyrium “Ghost”

Ghost Fern
Athyrium “Ghost”
Type: Deciduous Fern
Exposure: Part / Full Shade
Water: Regular

It’s Spring! Hooray!

This slender, graceful fern is a cross between a lady fern (Athyrium filix-femina) and Japanese painted fern (Athyrium niponicum “Pictum”), and combines the best features of each of its parents. It will grow to form a clump 18 in (45cm) high by 12 in (30cm) wide, its new growth coloured a ghostly white, hence its name. The upright fronds then mature to a silvery-green with bronze accents.  Ghost ferns make great companion plants for shade-lovers with contrasting foliage, such as hostas. By the way, this fern is not an evergreen.



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