Rhododendron Sutchuenense




Rhododendron sutchuenense “Girardii”

Rhododendron sutchuenense
Rhododendron sutchuenense “Girardii”
Type: Broadleaf Evergreen Shrub /Small Tree
Exposure: Sun  / Part Shade
Water: Regular

Despite having one of the most obnoxious botanical names going (I think “sutchuenense” refers to it’s origin in the Szechuan region of China), this rhodo is a tough, handsome, and worthwhile plant to own. Its evergreen leaves are smooth, veined, dark green, pointed ovals which can reach a positively tropical-looking 12in (30cm) long. It’s cold hardy to about -10F (-23C), which makes it one of the more cold-resistant of the large rhodos, although the leaves do appreciate some shelter from the wind (it can look stunning in a courtyard setting). This rhodo is listed as a “very early” bloomer, although that means different things in different places and different years. Here in Victoria BC , the buds (USDA zone 8) the blooms are usually preparing to open in early February. These blooms are a light lilac / pink with red blotches, arranged in open-topped trusses of (usually) 10 flowers each. This one will reach about 5ft (1.5m) high and wide after 10 years, but can continue to grow after that. It needs to be 5 years old or so before it will flower.



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