Creeping Taiwan Bramble




Rubus pentalobus

Creeping Taiwan Bramble
Rubus pentalobus (also R. calycinoides, R. rolfei)
Type: Evergreen Groundcover
Exposure: Sun / Light Shade
Water: Regular,  Drought Tolerant once established

This native of Taiwan (duh) features deeply textured, dark green, glossy leaves that are divided into three to five lobes, each with ruffled edges, and a light, felty, silvery underside. These are densely arranged on sprawling stems that will creep 5ft (1.5m) or more while not exceeding 1ft (30cm) in height. Late spring or earlier summer sees the sporadic arrival of small strawberry-like blossoms which in turn produce edible salmon-colored berries. These contrast well with the deep green of the foliage, but apparently don’t taste like much, so are usually left on the vine for wildlife to enjoy. I’ve seen this moderate growing plant refered to as “tough” and “durable,” and it can be cut back easily at any time of year.

Fruit photo cortesy of




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