Waxleaf Privet

Ligustrum japonicum

Waxleaf Privet
Ligustrum japonicum
Type: Evergreen Shrub
Exposure: Sun / Part Shade
Water: Regular

Privets can be shrubs or small trees as well as deciduous, semi- or fully evergreen. This one is an evergreen shrub here in USDA zone 8 which grows to 12ft (3.6m) tall, by 8ft (2.4m) if left untrimmed. They feature glossy green leaves that are much lighter in color and not as glossy on their undersides. New growth emerges a bright, lime green before darkening with age. The dense foliage makes it a natural choice as a hedge or as a clipped specimen. Attractive clusters of white flowers appear in late spring or early summer. Although some people find the scent unpleasant, they are attractive to bees. If you’re growing it as a clipped hedge though, many of these are removed with pruning. Flowers give way to black autumn berries which are favored by birds.



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