Tassel Flower

Emilia javanica

Tassel Flower
Emilia javanica
Type: Annual
Exposure: Full Sun
Water: Regular / Drought Tolerant

Tassel Flowers form a low mound of green leaves with a slightly bluish tinge and reach about 8in (20cm) wide.  From these rise wiry flower stalks which will reach 24in (60cm) high, and are branched near the top. Small, bright orange or reddish-orange pom-pom blossoms, that look a bit like orange ageratum blooms, appear atop these slender stems in summer and into fall, and from a distance they appear to float in mid air. This gives the plant a sort of see-through effect, much like tall verbena. Their small stature and airy appearance makes them stand out when planted in front of bold foliage, but they’re at their best when planted en masse. They’re great in containers, floral arrangements, and are popular as dried flowers.



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