Garlic Chives

Allium tuberosum

Garlic Chives (also Chinese Chives)
Allium tuberosum
Type: Perennials from Bulb
Exposure: Sun / Part Shade
Water: Regular to Light

Here’s one of those plants that lead a double life. On the one hand, it’s part of the onion family and an edible plant, with the leaves being used in cooking just like regular chives, but with a tinge of garlic flavor. These leaves  will reach 2ft (60cm) tall, and form a clump as wide as 18in (45cm).

But it’s also a respectable border plant, with tiny white, star-shaped flowers held above the stiffly vertical foliage in loose, 2in (5cm) clusters. These flowers have a scent like violets, and are present in late summer into fall. These should be removed after flowering if don’t want it to pop up everywhere.



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